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Best of 2023

With 2023 behind us now, I wanted to take the opportunity to revisit some of the year's most significant and memorable experiences. Below is a summary of my top picks from 2023 - they have each brought unique value to my life in 2023, whether it was through joy, a new outlook, or an enhancement to my daily routine.

Best Business Book(s):

Best Fiction Novel(s):

Best Biographies:

Best Wellness Book:

Best Parenting Book:

Best Podcast:

Best Movie(s):

Best Trip:

  • Eurodisney, Paris, France

Best TV Show(s):

Best Online Yoga Class:

Best New Fitness Routine:

  • Swimming for 45 mins every day in the summer

Best Musical Performance:

Best Restaurants I’ve Tried This Year:

Best Recipe:

Best Travel App:

Best Ted Talk:

Connect with me at if you have any questions / comments / thoughts on my best of 2023 list.


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