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DRASCI Matrix Worksheet

The (D)RA(S)CI matrix is a responsibility assignment chart that maps out every task, milestone, or key decision involved in completing a project. It assigns specific roles to each action item:


  • Driver: Assists those who are responsible for a task.

  • Responsible: Who is responsible for executing the task.

  • Accountable: Who is ultimately accountable for the task's completion.

  • Support: Provides support during implementation.

  • Consulted: Who needs to be consulted for input.

  • Informed: Who needs to be informed about progress and outcomes.


While RACI is the most common framework, over time, the roles of Driver (D) and Support (S) have been added, especially for large teams and complex projects. You can use the simple RACI framework, add D and S where applicable, or incorporate other roles as needed. Consistency is key, regardless of the framework you choose.


This worksheet helps ensure clarity in roles and responsibilities, improving communication and efficiency in project management.

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