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Merve Kagitci Hokamp
May 20, 20246 min read
Thoughts on Effective Communication: The Balance Between Confrontation and Avoidance, Radical Candor, and Non-Violent Communication
Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful relationships, both personal and professional. However, finding the right...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
May 13, 20243 min read
Conquering Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs): Strategies for a Positive Mindset
In the landscape of our minds, there's a constant battle between positive affirmations and negative intrusions, the latter often referred...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Apr 30, 20245 min read
From Dread to Delight: Reframing Negotiations for Today's Leaders
One of my clients scheduled an additional coaching session last week because she was struggling to wrap her head around an upcoming...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Apr 23, 20245 min read
Why I Love People Management
I work closely with a diverse group of people managers, ranging from those just stepping into their first leadership role to seasoned...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Apr 8, 20245 min read
On Grit: How Leaders can Cultivate High-Performing Teams
One of my coachees, who comes from a stringent corporate environment and is now leading their own startup, recently reflected during our...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Mar 30, 20245 min read
Embracing the Learner Mindset: Lessons from my First time Skiing
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're the novice among experts? That's exactly how I felt on my recent family ski...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Mar 17, 20247 min read
Peacock vs. Crane: Redefining Success Beyond Visibility at the Workplace
Roughly a dozen years ago, my then-manager complimented my work but noted my career advancement hinged on improving my "visibility."...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Mar 9, 20245 min read
The Silent Career Killer: How to Spot and Stop Workplace Gaslighting
Gaslighting at work is a sneaky, under-the-radar kind of manipulation that can mess with your head big time, affecting everything from...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Mar 3, 20245 min read
Embracing Our Natural Talents: The Shift to Strengths-Based Leadership
Back in the day, we all pretty much followed the same playbook when our kids hit a snag in school: hire a tutor for whatever subject was...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Feb 25, 20245 min read
The Doer Leader and The Case for Having a Bias for Action
Google's Manager Feedback Survey includes a question about whether a manager has the technical skills necessary for effectively managing...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Feb 17, 20247 min read
How to Master Authentic Networking for Leaders
Networking stands as a critical component in a leader's toolkit, playing a key role in the advancement of careers and the success of...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Feb 11, 20248 min read
How the SCARF Model Drives High-Performing Teams
Leadership is a journey that begins the moment you step into the professional world, whether you're at the starting line or eyeing the...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Feb 4, 20246 min read
Beyond Leadership: The Coaching Mindset for Personal Growth
Are you feeling trapped in the monotony of everyday routines? Do you find yourself yearning for more meaningful growth in your...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Jan 21, 20246 min read
Leadership Mastery: The Power of Feedback and Feedforward
Effective feedback, along with feedforward, forms the bedrock of successful management. Despite its crucial role, mastering this skill is...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Jan 15, 20242 min read
Maximizing Productivity for Leaders: Top Tips for Effective Time Management
Leaders face unique challenges in managing their time due to their dual role of personal productivity and team oversight. Here's how to...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Jan 8, 20248 min read
How to Manage your Boss for People Managers
I have been working with a coachee - we will call him, John - a new people manager with a decade of experience in tech as an individual...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Dec 24, 202310 min read
A Year in Review: Leaving my Corporate Job to Build a Career in Coaching
As we approach the end of another year, it feels like an opportune moment to pause and reflect on my transformative journey of...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Dec 14, 20238 min read
The Career Kaleidoscope & the Art of Portfolio Diversification (a.k.a. Musings on Portfolio Careers)
My upbringing was in a household that lived and breathed the virtues of a stable job, consistency, and diligent work - principles deeply...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Dec 6, 20236 min read
End of Year Strategic Planning and OKRs
As the year winds down, I've noticed that many of my coachees, each a highly successful, accomplished, and driven leader, are feeling the...

Merve Kagitci Hokamp
Nov 27, 20235 min read
Turmoil and Triumph at OpenAI: Leadership Lessons on How to Use Influence
In my role as a coach for executives and business owners, I frequently address the dilemma of earning respect and loyalty from one's...
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